Dietary supplement for sustainable immunity

It is a product with a high content of selenium, up to 200 μg in one capsule!

It is recommended in cases of lack of this element. Selenium plays a very important role in the body. Among its many features, the most important is strengthening the human immune system.

It helps the body fight against various bacteria and viruses. It specifically protects against herpes, the risk of prostate cancer, rectal cancer, lung cancer, cervical and ovarian cancer.

Selenium has anti-inflammatory properties, it also has a beneficial effect in cases of lupus, cataracts and macular degeneration.

It helps to stabilize the metabolism of thyroid hormones, relieves the symptoms of menopause and increases energy. It also creates a protective barrier against the harmful effects of the sun.

Selenium deficiency and excess causes, among other things, muscle pain, weakness, constant fatigue, frequent infections, alopecia and vomiting.


      Selenium helps in the proper functioning of the immune system

      Helps the health of hair and nails

      Contributes to proper spermatogenesis

      Helps protect against oxidative stress


1 package contains 30 capsules, each capsule contains 200 μg Selenium.


One capsule per day is recommended.

Do not exceed the recommended dose!


General Distributor: Nika Pharm Sh.p.k